此处所有课程免费,但练习为VIP学员专属。 现在就成为VIP!

Subjects we study at school part 2

今天我们将了解美国的孩子们学习的科目。They have history, geography, economics, literature and today we learn music.(他们学习历史、地理、经济学、文学,如今他们还学习音乐)Music in America, we can choose three classes.(美国学生学习音乐时可以选择三种课程)BAND, ORCHESTRA or CHOIR.(乐队、管弦乐队和合唱团)What is the difference between band, orchestra and choir?(乐队、管弦乐队和合唱团有什么区别呢)Band is where people play instruments and also sing.(在乐队里,人们在演奏乐器的同时还要唱歌)Orchestra is a very big group of people playing instruments.(管弦乐队是一大群人演奏乐器)The violin, the piano, the flute.(小提琴、钢琴、长笛)The choir is a group of people that sing.(合唱团就是一群人唱歌)So, in America, when you choose music, you can choose BAND, ORCHESTRA or CHOIR.(所以在美国,当你选音乐课的内容时,你可以选择乐队、管弦乐队和合唱团)What about in China? Did you learn music at school?(中国是怎样的呢?你们在学校里学习音乐吗)What is your favorite band?(你最喜欢的乐队是什么)Did you sing in the choir before?(你以前在合唱团里唱过歌吗)Did you play any instruments in an orchestra?(你在任何管弦乐队里演奏过乐器吗)Can you play any musical instruments?(你会不会演奏乐器)If you can, what instruments can you play?(如果你会乐器,你会哪一种)Do you like music?(你喜欢音乐吗)Did you like to study music?(你喜欢学习音乐吗)Do you think studying music is important?(你觉得学习音乐重要吗)



