此处所有课程免费,但练习为VIP学员专属。 现在就成为VIP!

Subjects we study at school part 6

今天这节课将检验你的学习成果。请根据以下科目的描述猜测科目的名称:First subject: In this class, students study countries of the world, natural features, population, climate.(第一个科目:在这节课上,学生们学习世界各个国家、自然特征、人口、气候)Second subject: students draw and paint in this subject.(第二个科目:学生在这节课上绘画)Third subject: this subject is a science. Students learn about plants and animals.(第三个科目:这一科目是一种科学,学生们学习植物与动物)Last one: in this subject, teachers ask students to read novels, stories and poems.(最后一个科目,老师教学生阅读小说、故事和诗歌)。请回答以上这些科目分别是什么。


