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Unusual hotels around the world part 6

今天我们将最后一次谈论世界上不同寻常的酒店。There are different places to stay around the world.(世界上有许多地方供人住宿)This place is a place to chill out.(这个地方能让人放松)A place to relax.(这是一个让人轻松的地方)It's a pretty long way to go to stay at the Ishotellet.(要住在Ishotellet需要走很远)It’s called an ice hotel.(那是一个冰做的酒店)It’s 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden.(它位于瑞典北极圈以北100英里)But it's definitely worth the effort.(但是绝对值得走那么远去那里)It's hard to imagine sleeping on an ice bed but with a reindeer skin.(很难想象睡在冰床上的感觉,但是你会有麋鹿的皮用以保暖)You also need to take a sleeping bag.(你也需要带上睡袋)I was warm.(我当时住在这里很温暖)My wake-up call came with a hot drink.(早晨的起床铃后他们给我提供了一杯热饮)Make sure you check out of the hotel before it melts in the spring.(在春天冰融化之前记得去一次这个酒店)But don't worry.(但是别担心)They rebuild it every winter!(他们每个冬天都会重建)现在请回答以下问题:Where is the Ishotellet?(Ishotellet在哪里)What do you think Ishotellet mean?(你觉得Ishotellet是什么意思)When does this hotel melt?(这间酒店什么时候融化)When is this hotel rebuilt?(这间酒店什么时候重建)



