140 Was and were

今天我们继续学习一般过去时的Be动词。Be动词的过去时根据人称的变化将做出如下改变:I was(我是),He/She/It was(他/她/它是),You were(你是),We were(我们是),They were(他们是)。一起来学习如下例句:I was a good student.(我曾是一名好学生)My brother was a good student.(我哥哥曾是一名好学生) I was home yesterday.(昨天我在家) My mom was home yesterday. (昨天我妈妈在家)They ...

141 Was and were - affirmative, negative and interrogative

今天我们继续学习Be动词的过去时,be动词的过去时为was与were。当人称为单数时,be动词的过去时使用was,而当人称为复数时,be动词的过去时使用were。请参看以下例句:She was my friend.(她是我的朋友)She was not my friend.(她不是我的朋友)Was she my friend?(她是我的朋友吗)针对这一问题的回答可以是Yes, she was.(是的,她曾是我的朋友)No, she wasn’t. (不,她以前不是我的朋友)再来学习以下句子:He was in New York.(他以前在纽约)He wasn’t in New York.(他以前不在纽约)Was he ...

142 Was and were +, -, ?

上节课我们学习的be动词在单数人称下的过去时was,今天我们将学习其在复数人称下的过去时were。请参看以下句子:They were friends. (他们曾是朋友)They were not friends. (他们不曾是朋友)Were they friends?(他们曾经是朋友吗)We were in Beijing yesterday.(昨天我们在北京)We weren’t in Beijing yesterday.(我们昨天不在北京)Were we in Beijing yesterday?(我们昨天在北京吗)请试着回答以下问题:Were you in Shanghai ...

143 Questions with was and were

今天我们继续复习巩固be动词的过去时。请复习以下句子: She was your girlfriend.(她以前是你的女朋友)She wasn’t your girlfriend.(她以前不是你的女朋友)Was she your girlfriend?(她以前是你的女朋友吗)They were best friends.(他们曾是最好的朋友) They weren’t best friends.(他们不曾是最好的朋友) Were they best friends?(他们曾是最好的朋友吗)I was in Shanghai last ...

144 Questions with verb be in the past

今天我们将练习如何使用be动词的过去时提问。提问时我们需要将be动词提至句首,请参看以下几个问题:Were they friends?(他们曾经是朋友吗)Was Yoyo your best friend?(Yoyo以前是你最好的朋友吗)Was your mother at home yesterday?(昨天你妈妈在家吗)Was your father at home yesterday night?(昨晚你爸爸在家吗)Was your brother in Xi’an yesterday?(你哥哥昨天在西安吗)Were you in ...

307 Subjects we study at school part 1

今天我们将讨论的话题是School subjects(学校科目)。我们今天要学习的科目有:History(历史)Geography(地理)Economics(经济学)以及Literature(文学)。In China, you study Chinese and Chinese literature.(在中国,你们学习语文和汉语言文学)I studied Portuguese and Portuguese literature.(我学习葡萄牙语和葡萄牙语文学)I studied general history and Brazil’s history.(我学习全球历史与巴西历史)In China you study Chinese history ...

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