81 Present Continuous with Wh Questions

今天我们将学习现在进行时的疑问句形式。现在进行时的结构就是Verb to be + ING。让我们先看看以下疑问句:Are you studying?(你正在学习吗)Are you working?(你正在工作吗)Is she swimming?(你正在游泳吗)Is he walking?(他正在散步吗)Are they playing football?(他们正在踢足球吗)Are they playing volleyball?(他们正在打排球吗)现在我们再来学习现在进行时的特殊疑问句,我们只需要在句首加上特殊疑问词,例如:What are you doing now?(你现在正在做什么)Where are you ...

261 Joining clauses with "if" and "when"

今天我们将学习使用if(如果)与when(当…时候)。请学习以下例句:I sneeze a lot when I have an allergy.(当我过敏时我经常打喷嚏)If I have the flu, I have a terrible sore throat.(当我患流感时,我喉咙很疼)If I have a cold, I cough ...

417 Expressions to order events part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora expressions to order events (expresiones para ordenar eventos). Words to order events (palabras para ordenar eventos). "Like" ...

464 Telling stories with "when" and "while" part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora same exercise as last class (el mismo ejercicio que la última clase). While (mientras). When (cuando). "Like" ...

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