205 6 things to do in Toronto, Canada

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora 6 things to do in Toronto, Canada (6 cosas para hacer en Toronto, Canadá). Do you remember ...

206 Tourism in Paris, France

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora tourism in Paris, France (turismo en Paris, França). Like this class (dale un "like" en esta clase). ...

285 New Year's Eve in Mexico

Although many people around the world celebrate the same events, these celebrations can be quite different.(尽管世界各地的人们会庆祝同样的节日,但是庆祝方式会十分不同)We found an interesting tradition for celebrating New Year’s Eve ...

286 A tradition for birthdays in China

今天我们将谈论中国人如何庆祝生日。In China, there is an interesting birthday tradition for infants.(在中国,人们在给新生婴儿过生日时有个有趣的传统)A baby is 1 year old the day he or she is born.(婴儿刚出生的那天就算作一岁)1 year later, friends ...

350 3 days in Istanbul - part 2

今天我们将继续了解伊斯坦布尔。Day 2(第二天)Shop till you drop(购物购到手软)Start your day at the colorful and bustling Grand Bazaar.(从多彩而热闹的Grand Bazaar开启新的一天)There are thousands of shops with everything.(上千家商店展示着一切商品)From gold and silver to ...

351 3 days in Istanbul part 3

今天我们将继续游玩伊斯坦布尔。Our day 3 in Istanbul(我们在伊斯坦布尔的第三天)Take a trip on the river.(在河上游玩)Today take a ferry from Eminonu to Anadolu Kavagi.(今天从Eminonu乘船去Anadolu Kavagi)Don’t forget your camera.(不要忘记你的相机)You can take spectacular ...

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