R Resumen Básico II

Este es el resumen del nivel Básico II de tu Curso de Inglés Tú Aprendes Ahora. En este resumen hablamos sobre todas las clases de ...

272 Celebrations: graduation, engagement, wedding

今天我们将学习Celebration(庆祝)。我们通常在以下三个场景下会庆祝:Graduation(毕业)、Engagement(订婚)、Wedding celebration(婚礼)。请试着回答以下问题:Have you ever been to a wedding party?(你参加过婚礼吗)Have you ever been to a graduation party?(你参加过毕业派对吗)Are you engaged?(你订婚了吗)  

282 Mother's Day part 2

今天我们将了解世界各地人们如何庆祝母亲节。People in different countries celebrate Mother’s Day usually in different days. (不同国家的人通常在不同的日子庆祝母亲节)In Spain and Portugal, Mother’s Day is in the first Sunday in May.(西班牙与葡萄牙在5月的第一个周日庆祝母亲节)In Australia, ...

283 Celebrations: Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, Birthday

今天我们将学习如何庆祝三个节日。第一个节日是Valentine’s Day(情人节)。Valentine’s Day is a holiday that couples celebrate for being together.(情人节是情侣们庆祝的节日)It’s usually in February 14th. (通常是在2月14日)In some countries, it’s in another day of the ...

284 Celebrations: graduation day, Halloween, wedding

上节课我们学习了庆祝情人节、除夕夜和生日,今天我们将学习其他三个节日:Graduation Day(毕业典礼)、Wedding(婚礼)和Halloween(万圣夜)。You can graduate from school, from college, from university, usually in your Graduation Day you wear a black gown, you wear a hat, you ...

285 New Year's Eve in Mexico

Although many people around the world celebrate the same events, these celebrations can be quite different.(尽管世界各地的人们会庆祝同样的节日,但是庆祝方式会十分不同)We found an interesting tradition for celebrating New Year’s Eve ...

286 A tradition for birthdays in China

今天我们将谈论中国人如何庆祝生日。In China, there is an interesting birthday tradition for infants.(在中国,人们在给新生婴儿过生日时有个有趣的传统)A baby is 1 year old the day he or she is born.(婴儿刚出生的那天就算作一岁)1 year later, friends ...

300 How to say years in English

今天我们将学习年份在英语中的表达。1991-nineteen ninety-one;1850-eighteen fifty;1997-nineteen ninety-seven;1999-nineteen ninety-nine;2007-two thousand seven;2010-two thousand ten;2018-two thousand eighteen;2019-two thousand nineteen。请试着回答以下问题:When was your father born?(你爸爸出生于什么时候)When was your mother born?(你妈妈出生于什么时候)When was your grandfather born?(你爷爷出生于什么时候)When ...

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