317 Subjects I studied

今天Sophia将告诉大家她在学校学习的内容。I didn’t study Chinese.(我没有学习中文)I studied Portuguese and English.(我学习了葡萄牙语和英语)I studied history. Brazilian history and general history.(我学习了历史,巴西历史和世界通史)I also studied a little bit of Chinese history in school.(在学校里我还学了一点中国历史)I ...

322 An interview about teenage years part 1

今天我们将谈论Teenage years(青少年时期)。以下是一则发生于英国曼切斯特大学的采访:This boy studied the degree in gymnastics.(这个男孩学习体操专业)His name is Joe.(他的名字叫乔)Joe, where were you born?(乔,你出生在哪里)Did you spend your teen years there?(你青少年时期是在那度过的吗)I was born in a ...


Life, People, Stories

323 An interview about teenage years part 2

这节课我们将继续上节课的采访。Joe, how did you spend your free time?(乔,你空闲时间都做什么)I spent a lot of time playing sports, soccer, cricket, handball.(我花了大量时间做运动,玩足球、板球和手球)I also did a lot of music.(我还接触了很多音乐)I played ...


Life, People, Stories

324 An interview about teenage years part 3

今天我们将最后一次了解乔的青少年时期。What is the happiest memory you have from your teenage years Joe?(你青少年时期最快乐的回忆是什么)I played handball for my college team.(我在我的院队里打手球比赛)My happiest memory was when I was picked.(我最快乐的回忆是我被选中)I ...


Life, People, Stories

327 A woman from Mexico part 1

今天我们将听一则关于一名墨西哥女子的故事:My name is Yolanda Sandevo.(我名叫Yolanda Sandevo)I was born in Cananea in Mexico on June 13th 1922.(1922年6月13日我出生于墨西哥卡纳内阿)My parents brought me to Baghdad when I was 6 ...

355 Going away part 1

今天我们将学习旅行相关的话题。请试着回答以下几个问题:Where is your favorite holiday destination?(你最喜欢的旅游景点在哪)Where is the destination of your dream?(你梦想中的旅行目的地在哪)Do you like to travel when it’s cold in winter or when it’s hot ...


Tourism, Life, People, Hobby

362 Different trips part 1

今天我们将谈论的话题是A beach vacation(海滩度假)。What do you take with you to a vacation of a beach?(你去海滩边度假要带什么)To go to the beach, we need to take a bathing suit, ...


Tourism, Life, People

363 Different trips part 2

今天我们将谈论Camping(露营)。What do you take when you go camping?(你去露营会带什么)You need to take a tent.(你需要带一顶帐篷)A sleeping bag, a flashlight, a knife, scissors.(一个睡袋、一个闪光灯、一把小刀、剪刀)You need to take insect repellent ...

365 Different trips part 4

Review things you need when you go for a trip (复习出行所需带的物品). A bathing suit (泳衣). Sandals (凉鞋). A towel (毛巾). Sunglasses (墨镜). A cap (帽子). ...

415 Unusual home habits part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora home habits (hábitos caseros). Habits we have at home (hábitos que tenemos en casa). What are your ...


Habits, Home, Life, People

416 Unusual home habits part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora unusual home habits (hábitos caseros diferentes). Martin organizes all the containers after he comes back home after ...


Habits, Home, Life, People

464 Telling stories with "when" and "while" part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora same exercise as last class (el mismo ejercicio que la última clase). While (mientras). When (cuando). "Like" ...

501 Texting part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora texting (mensajes de texto). Text messages (mensajes de texto). Cellphone (celular). I read a text to you ...

502 Texting part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora texting (mensaje de texto). I started reading a text to you (yo empecé a leer un texto ...

503 Texting part 3

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora texting. SUP - What's up? (como estás?). Texting (mensaje de texto). Advantages of texting (ventajas de mensaje ...

504 Texting part 4

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora texting (mensaje de texto). Advantages (ventajas). Disadvantages (desventajas). Conclusion (conclusión). "Like" this class (dale un "me gusta" ...

509 How to write an article

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora articles (artículos). How to write an article (como escribir un artículo). "Like" this class (dale un "me ...

596 Superlative questions

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora questions using superlatives (preguntas usando superlativos). Listen to the question (escucha la pregunta). Pause the video (pausa ...

597 Superlative exercise part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora superlative (superlativo). You complete the conversations (completa las conversaciones). "Like" this class (dale un "me gusta" en ...

599 Curiosities around the world

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora curiosities around the world (curiosidades alrededor del mundo). Interesting facts (datos interesantes). Superlative in context (superlativo en ...


Life, People, Problems

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